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  • 06 Jun 2024 3:17 PM | Digital Initiatives, AMA (Administrator)

    On June 4th, 2024, the AMA hosted the 2024 Manitoba Day Awards ceremony in Marshall McLuhan Hall at the University of Manitoba. We welcomed over 60 attendees to the event, including the many nominees and winners. Thank you all who came to make this a fantastic evening for the Manitoban archives community! We hope to see you all for next year's event!

    Below you can find a copy of the event presentation and photos from the event, including photos of the presenters, winners, nominees, and those accepting on their behalf. Thanks to Al Thorleifson for providing the photos!

    List of Winners: Manitoba Day Award

    Presentation: Manitoba Day Awards 2024.pdf

  • 09 May 2024 12:31 PM | Digital Initiatives, AMA (Administrator)

    A digital version of this newsletter can be found here.

    Introducing our Board 

    Chair: Heather Bidzinski  

    Finance and Grants: Blake Mueller  

    Secretary: Jackson Anderson  

    Digital Initiatives: Jackson Anderson and Katie Lynch 

    Education: Al Thorleifson 

    Indigenous Relations: Carmen Miedema 

    Information and Outreach: Corser du Pont and Erin Acland  

    Membership: Carmen Miedema and Heather Bidzinski 

    Special Initiatives: Brian Hubner and Chris Kotecki 

    Student Member-at-large: Blake Mueller 


    Renewing and Starting Membership online 

    A reminder that membership renewals were due on April 1, 2023. Please follow the instructions below to renew online. Please contact the AMA at ama1@mts.net or Digital Initiatives at webmaster@mbarchives.ca if you have any difficulties. 

    Membership renewals can be completed by logging into the website clicking on "View profile" in the top right-hand corner of the page. In your profile, click on the "Renew to [date]" button. Update your information in the fields that appear as needed and click the "Update and next" button. Review your information and click the "Pay online button" to finalize your renewal in PayPal. 

    Upcoming Events 

    Rupert’s Land Colloquium 

    The Rupert’s Land Colloquium will be held in Winnipeg on May 23-25, 2024. This year’s program includes a day trip to Clearwater on Friday, May 24 where there will be a panel discussion on historical border conflicts and peace treaties as well as a trip to Star Mound. For more details, see https://www.uwinnipeg.ca/rupertsland/colloquium/2024-colloquium.html Those interested in attending only the trip to Clearwater should contact Sarah Ramsden at sarah.ramsden@gmail.com. 


    Manitoba Day Awards 

    Held on Tuesday June 4th from 6:30-9:30 pm at the University of Manitoba, Fort Garry Campus, Marshall McLuhan Hall, 65 Chancellors Circle. The evening is to award the 2023 and 2024 winners from the 22 nominations for the Association for Manitoba Archives’ Manitoba Day Award for works which include the significant use of Manitoba archives in their creation.  

    Light drinks and fare will be provided. Please register for the event here. 

    News about our Members 

    Direction Générale – Centre du Patrimoine

    La Société historique de Saint-Boniface (SHSB) cherche une direction générale dynamique pour diriger ses opérations et guider sa croissance. Ce rôle implique la modernisation et la professionnalisation de l’organisme pour le 21e siècle, ainsi que diverses responsabilités. Si vous êtes passionné par le patrimoine et que vous souhaitez contribuer à son avenir tout en jouant un rôle central dans le développement du Centre du patrimoine, cette occasion s’adresse à vous.

    Veuillez faire parvenir vos curriculums vitæ et lettre de motivation à: Janelle Robin, conseillère en recrutement à jrobin@peoplefirsthr.com

    Si vous avez des questions liées à ce poste, veuillez communiquer avec Janelle Robin au 204 938-4034.

    Art of Ectoplasm: Encounters with Winnipeg’s Ghost Photographs 

    Archivists in Manitoba will be interested in the book published by the University of Manitoba Press entitled the Art of Ectoplasm: Encounters with Winnipeg’s Ghost Photographs (2023), edited by Dr. Serena Keshavjee. The book explores the archives created by the Hamilton family which reveal their coping strategies after the death of their three-year-old son Arthur during the 1918-19 Influenza Pandemic. 

    National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation receives $5M donation 

    The Winnipeg Foundation is donating $5 million to the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation toward building the NCTR a new home to house archival records. Read more about the project and donation here.  

    Brandon Sun Archives find a new home in Winnipeg 

    When the Brandon Sun sold its old building at 501 Rosser Ave., their new home did not have the space to house their newspaper archives dating back to the late 1800s. The Manitoba Legislative Library arranged for the newspapers to be picked up, catalogued and preserved. Read more about the Brandon Sun’s newspaper archives being relocated here.  

    Archives of Manitoba  

    On April 12th and 13th hundreds attended an open house at the Archives of Manitoba that featured an array of maps. The display of maps highlighted the development of mapping across western North America and the Arctic in the 1700s and early 1800s.  

    Exposition George Forest - la Société historique de Saint-Boniface 

    L’année 2024 signe le centième anniversaire de la naissance de Georges Forest. Pour marquer l’évènement, la Société historique de Saint-Boniface présente un portrait de l’activiste franco-manitobain qui, on l’oublie trop souvent, était aussi un Métis engagé. Georges Forest est surtout connu pour ses revendications en faveur des droits linguistiques des francophones du Manitoba, mais un tour d’horizon de ses faits d’armes montre un personnage pleinement engagé dans la revendication d’une société juste à tous les égards. 


    Call for Volunteers 

    We are always looking for members to join our committees. Volunteering with the AMA is an excellent way to network with archivists, build skills, and shape the future of archives in Manitoba. If you are interested, please contact the Chair, or a committee chair, at one of the email addresses listed on this page https://mbarchives.ca/contact   

    News for the newsletter?  

    Does your archive have a new grant or a new hire? Or do you have a collection you want to promote? Send your news to ama1@mts.net and we will include it in an upcoming newsletter. 


  • 04 Jan 2024 10:34 AM | Digital Initiatives, AMA (Administrator)

    A digital version of this newsletter can be found here.

    Introducing our Board

    Chair: Heather Bidzinski

    Finance and Grants: Blake Mueller

    Secretary: Jackson Anderson

    Digital Initiatives: Jackson Anderson and Katie Lynch

    Education: Al Thorleifson

    Indigenous Relations: Carmen Miedema 

    Information and Outreach: Corser du Pont and Erin Acland

    Membership: Carmen Miedema and Heather Bidzinski

    Special Initiatives: Brian Hubner and Chris Kotecki

    Student Member-at-large: Position vacant

    Holiday photos

    We hope all our members had safe and happy holidays. Wishing everyone the best in 2024! Check out these photos from our members.

    Front page of Christmas sheet music (c.1940s). From the St Philip’s (Norwood) parish fonds, Archives of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land.


    Christmas tree in front of City Hall, 1966. City of Winnipeg Archives, Public Works Collection.

    News about our Members

    Curious about commodes?

    Health Sciences Center Archivist, Emma Prescott was featured in a Winnipeg Free Press article about having Brandon University students research the provenance of museum items, including bedpans, for a public history class with Professor Rhonda Hinther. Check out the article here https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/arts-and-life/2023/12/15/curious-about-commodes 

    Language warnings at Manitoba Archival Institutions

    Heather Bidzinski was featured in a CBC article about the use of outdated language in archival records, and the importance of collaboration with Indigenous communities. Check out the article here https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/outdated-hurtful-historical-language-archives-manitoba-1.7062426 

    Call for Volunteers

    We are always looking for members to join our committees. Volunteering with the AMA is an excellent way to network with archivists, build skills, and shape the future of archives in Manitoba. If you are interested, please contact the Chair, or a committee chair, at one of the email addresses listed on this pagehttps://mbarchives.ca/contact  Text, whiteboard Description automatically generated

    News for the newsletter? 

    Does your archive have a new grant or a new hire? Or do you have a collection you want to promote? Send your news to ama1@mts.netand we will include it in an upcoming newsletter.

  • 30 Nov 2023 11:28 AM | Digital Initiatives, AMA (Administrator)

    A digital version of this newsletter can be found here.

    Introducing our Board

    Chair: Heather Bidzinski

    Finance and Grants: Blake Mueller

    Secretary: Jackson Anderson

    Digital Initiatives: Jackson Anderson and Katie Lynch

    Education: Al Thorleifson

    Indigenous Relations: Carmen Miedema 

    Information and Outreach: Corser du Pont and Erin Acland

    Membership: Carmen Miedema and Heather Bidzinski

    Special Initiatives: Brian Hubert and Chris Kotecki

    Student Member-at-large: Position vacant

    AGM Report

    The board would like to extend their sincere gratitude to all members who attended the Annual General Meeting on November 16th. Valuable suggestions and feedback were provided by members and the board will work with the aim of implementing positive changes. The board would like to thank our outgoing board members, Mary Horodyski, Katrin Nielsdottir, and Andrew Morrison, for their hard work and dedication. We would also like to thank the volunteers we had over the year, your enthusiasm and support do not go unnoticed. Lastly, the board would like to welcome our newest members Brian Hubert, Chris Kotecki, and Erin Acland.

    News about our Members

    A Story for Every Mile

    Pembina Manitou Archives has released a new publication titled A Story for Every Mile. A Story for Every Mile is an illustrated history of the Boundary Trail National Heritage Region of Southern Manitoba. It is a social history; it tells the stories of ordinary people, through their own memoirs and stories. The book includes over 500 photos, many in colour, and many of which have never before been published. The principal author, Ed Ledohowski, spent several years compiling the material before the book’s publication this past spring. For more information on ordering the book please visit the Pembina Manitou Archive Facebook Page here.

    150 Winnipeg

    On November 8th, on the 150th anniversary of the incorporation of Winnipeg, the City announced the renovation of the Carnegie Library, located at 280 William Avenue, as a Winnipeg 150 legacy project that will make it the home to the City Archives.

    The anniversary of incorporation included the launch of a new Winnipeg 150 Anniversary Exhibit on the City of Winnipeg Archives’ Winnipeg in Focus database. The exhibit highlights records held in the City Archives related to the early years of Winnipeg’s history as a City. Check out the exhibit here.

    The November 8th event also included the launch of the Winnipeg 150 Community Celebration Grant Program. Museums, archives, galleries, and other organizations within Winnipeg, which incorporate the 150 theme of Our shared stories. Our shared future into their programming can apply for grants of up to $5,000. Funding for the grants is subject to Council’s approval of the 2024-2027 multi-year budget.  Click here to learn more about the Winnipeg 150 Grant Program.

    Call for Volunteers

    We are always looking for members to join our committees. Volunteering with the AMA is an excellent way to network with archivists, build skills, and shape the future of archives in Manitoba. If you are interested, please contact the Chair, or a committee chair, at one of the email addresses listed on this page https://mbarchives.ca/contact  

    News for the newsletter? 

    Does your archive have a new grant or a new hire? Or do you have a collection you want to promote? Send your news to ama1@mts.netand we will include it in an upcoming newsletter.

  • 28 Sep 2023 8:39 AM | Digital Initiatives, AMA (Administrator)

    A digital version of this newsletter can be found here.

    Introducing our Board

    Chair: Heather Bidzinski                           

    Finance and Grants: Katrin Nielsdottir              

    Secretary: Jackson Anderson      

    Digital Initiatives: Jackson Anderson and Katie Lynch

    Education: Al Thorleifson

    Indigenous Relations: Carmen Miedema and Mary Horodyski

    Information and Outreach: Corser du Pont     

    Membership: Carmen Miedema and Heather Bidzinski

    Student Member-at-large: Blake Mueller

    Committee Reports

    Digital Initiatives: We are hosting an introduction to MAIN Workshop on November 15th check below for details.

    Education and Advisory Services: We’re working on some exciting upcoming events! Stay tuned for updates.

    Finance and Grants: Stay tuned for updates!

    Indigenous Relations: The Indigenous Relations committee welcomes new members! In particular, we are looking for one or two people to act as Chair or Co-Chair. Please email indigenousrelations@mbarchives.ca for more information or if you have any questions.

    Information and Outreach: If your organization holds archival materials, and could benefit from support, please email us today at advocacy@mbarchives.ca and we can set up a time to discuss your archival needs. 

    Membership Committee: If you have any issues with renewing membership, please contact webmaster@mbarchives.ca

    Student Member-at-Large: Stay tuned for updates!

    Upcoming Events

    National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Events

    The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation is hosting events from September 25th until September 30th, including Daily Lunch & Learns with 50-minute sessions beginning at 12:30 p.m. each day.

    Register here for Thursday and Friday:  https://nctr.ca/education/coming-soon-truth-and-reconciliation-week-2023/trw2023-gen/

    Video recordings of the sessions are posted online at https://www.youtube.com/@nationalcentrefortruthandr92/videos

    Orange Shirt Day is September 30th, wear orange to recognize the legacy of the residential school system and join Wa-Say Healing Centre in a Healing Walk taking place at Oodena Circle, Forks Market at 10 a.m. A Powwow will take place in Canada Life Centre at 1 p.m. until 5:30. Both events are free to attend and open to all.

    For more Orange Shirt Day events across Manitoba, please visit https://scoinc.mb.ca/2023nationaldayfortruthandreconciliation/

    Space and Storage online discussion

    The AMA will be hosting an online discussion October 25 about archival storage and space issues. Further details will be coming soon by email – hope you will join us!

    Introduction to MAIN Workshop November 15th, at 6:30 pm

    This workshop, hosted by Jackson Anderson and Katie Lynch from the AMA Digital Initiatives Committee, will be a basic introduction to using the Manitoba Archival Information Network (MAIN) database. The workshop will go over a basic instruction on how to use and navigate MAIN, how to add authority records, and archival descriptions, including child-level descriptions.

    Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/main-introduction-workshop-tickets-719455529857?aff=oddtdtcreator

    News about our Members

    University of Manitoba Archives and Special Collections

    UMASC, in co-sponsorship with the Survival Research Institute of Canada, held a symposium Study of Psychic Phenomena: Mediumship, Spirit Guides, Tables Levitations, Ectoplasm, and Photography to coincide with the launch of Serena Keshavjee’s The Undead Archive exhibition. Participants had the opportunity to view original photographs and documents from the Hamilton Family Fonds.

    Ogniwo Polish Museum

    Ogniwo Polish Museum announces the opening of its new exhibit, “They Left a Legacy,” a series of vignettes highlighting some of the individuals and groups that have shaped the Polish community in Manitoba, on October 14th, 2023. https://polishmuseum.com/whats-on/exhibit/

    1417 Main Street, Winnipeg
    Open Saturdays 10 am to 1 pm, or by appointment
    Admission: by donation 

    City of Winnipeg Archives

    Winnipeg in Focus database recently added records from The W.R.E.N.C.H. (Winnipeg Repair Education and Cycling Hub). The W.R.E.N.CH. is a registered charity that provides bike programing to schools, community members, and other organizations to support active transportation options. Check out the collection here: https://winnipeginfocus.winnipeg.ca/the-wrench

    One Great History Podcast

    With Winnipeg’s sesquicentennial approaching, Sabrina Janke and Alex Judge, hosts of the One Great History podcast, have produced a 16-episode series that explores the city’s colourful history. For more information, please visit the One Great History website:


    Call for Volunteers

    We are always looking for members to join our committees. Volunteering with the AMA is an excellent way to network with archivists, build skills, and shape the future of archives in Manitoba. If you are interested, please contact the Chair, or a committee chair, at one of the email addresses listed on this page https://mbarchives.ca/contact

    News for the newsletter?

    Does your archive have a new grant or a new hire? Or do you have a collection you want to promote? Send your news to ama1@mts.net and we will include it in an upcoming newsletter.

  • 20 Jul 2023 8:36 AM | Digital Initiatives, AMA (Administrator)

    A digital version of this newsletter can be found here.

    Update from the Board of Directors

    The AMA Board of Directors would like to inform the membership of a change in our directors. Due to the recent resignation of our Chair, Andrew Morrison, the Board has approved the appointment of Heather Bidzinski (Vice-Chair) and Corser du Pont (Chair, Information and Outreach) as Acting Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively.  The AMA wishes to thank Andrew Morrison for his time and dedication to the Board of Directors and to the Association for Manitoba Archives.

    As the AMA Annual General Meeting approaches, we would like to encourage all members to consider volunteering their time in a committee role or on the Board of Directors.  A Call for Nominations will be announced closer to the time of the AGM.

    Waziyata Chankag'a (Northern Bridge) Conference

    On June 17, Carmen Miedema (AMA Indigenous Relations committee co-chair) and Sarah Ramsden (AMA Indigenous Relations committee member) attended the Waziyata Chankag'a mini-conference in Clearwater, Manitoba, and co-led an archives workshop. Waziyata Chankag'a, which is Dakota and translates to "Northern Bridge," looked at the historical contributions of Dakota and Métis people living near the 49th parallel in the decades before the Boundary Commission in 1872 as well as the cross-border politics and military events they were entangled with and helped to shape. The event sought to bring together people with stories to share, people with knowledge about recording and preserving stories, and people interested in histories for educational purposes.

    The conference organizers and participants are keen to continue the work, as it was acknowledged that the cooperative work of Indigenous elders, researchers, historians, and archivists is vital to the recovery and preservation of local histories that have been long overlooked. There were discussions about having a similar event in June 2024 and further assisting with community archives. Individuals interested in related updates and future events are invited to contact Sarah Ramsden at sarah.ramsden@winnipeg.ca.

    We also invite you to check out the archival booklet compiled for the conference, which is being made available through Amazon, see: https://www.amazon.ca/Waziyata-Chankaga-Northern-James-Ritchie/dp/B0C52HVHD2


    Congratulations to Dr. Greg Bak who was made a Fellow of the Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA). The Fellow award is the highest recognition granted to members for distinguished service to the Canadian archival community and the ACA. Fellows are selected based on their longstanding membership and service to the ACA and demonstrated achievement in the archival profession, which may include leadership in the field, scholarship, and other outstanding contributions that have a cumulative impact. For more information on Dr. Bak’s longstanding and distinguished service, please visit the ACA website https://archivists.ca/2023-ACA-Awards

    Congratulations to the Association of Manitoba Archives’ New Home for the City of Winnipeg Archives Committee for receiving the ACA Larry Dohey Award for their advocacy on behalf of the City of Winnipeg Archives. Named in honor of Larry Dohey, longtime director of programming and public engagement of the Rooms, the Award recognizes Advocacy and Outreach work that is particularly impactful and has raised public consciousness of the value of archives. The group was led by Dr. Tom Nesmith and included Dr. Greg Bak, Dr. Shelley Sweeney, Michel Lagace, Jim Blanchard, Carmen Miedema, Mary Horodyski, Corser du Pont, Sabrina Janke, and Katie Lynch.

    Archives in the News

    The University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections and the City of Winnipeg Archives had contributions in this CTV article about the former Winnipeg City Hall clock that was relocated to Portage Place Mall: “Is time running out for Winnipeg's 120-year-old clock?” by Danton Unger, CTVNews.ca, July 6, 2023) https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/is-time-running-out-for-winnipeg-s-120-year-old-clock-1.6469822

    Advisory Services

    The Information & Outreach is continuing to respond to advisory services requests, and then referring requests to appropriate Board member specialists. If you are an AMA member institution with questions about archiving, please contact advocacy@mbarchives.ca

    Call for Volunteers

    We are always looking for members to join our committees. Volunteering with the AMA is an excellent way to network with archivists, build skills, and shape the future of archives in Manitoba. If you are interested, please contact the Chair, or a committee chair, at one of the email addresses listed on this page https://mbarchives.ca/sys/website/?pageId=7742

    News for the newsletter?

    Does your archive have a new grant or a new hire? Or do you have a collection you want to promote? Send your news to ama1@mts.net and we will include it in an upcoming newsletter.

    Painting in the Park, 1959

    City of Winnipeg Archives, Parks and Recreation Dept., Item i04629


  • 25 May 2023 3:51 PM | Digital Initiatives, AMA (Administrator)

    A digital version of this newsletter can be found here.

    Introducing our Board

    Chair: Andrew Morrison               

    Vice-Chair: Heather Bidzinski      

    Finance and Grants: Katrin Nielsdottir               

    Secretary: Jackson Anderson      

    Digital Initiatives: Jackson Anderson and Katie Lynch

    Education: Al Thorleifson

    Indigenous Relations: Carmen Miedema and Mary Horodyski

    Information and Outreach: Corser du Pont     

    Membership: Carmen Miedema and Heather Bidzinski

    Student Member-at-large: Blake Mueller

    Committee Reports

    Digital Initiatives: We have assisted in the technical support for the upcoming Reconciliation Framework Discussion Meeting on June 9th. Committee members continue to assist with membership renewal and MAIN database maintenance.

    Education and Advisory Services: We’re working on some exciting upcoming events! Stay tuned for updates.

    Finance and Grants: Stay tuned for updates!

    Indigenous Relations: We are hosting the upcoming workshop The Reconciliation Framework: Discussion Meeting. This workshop will be held on June 9th at 1:00 pm, at the Bill and Helen Norrie Library. Please register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-reconciliation-framework-discussion-meeting-tickets-622517094387

    Information and Outreach: Stayed tuned for updates!

    Membership Committee: Membership was due in April, If you have yet to do so please renew your membership, see Renewing and Starting Membership online below.

    Student Member-at-Large: Stay tuned for updates!

    Renewing and Starting Membership online

    A reminder that membership renewals were due on April 1, 2023. Please follow the instructions below to renew online. Please contact the AMA at ama1@mts.net or Digital Initiatives at webmaster@mbarchives.ca if you have any difficulties.

    Membership renewals can be completed by logging into the website clicking on "View profile" in the top right-hand corner of the page. In your profile, click on the "Renew to [date]" button. Update your information in the fields that appear as needed and click the "Update and next" button. Review your information and click the "Pay online button" to finalize your renewal in PayPal.

    Upcoming Events

    The Reconciliation Framework: Discussion Meeting

    Held on June 9th, at 1:00 until 4:30 pm at the Bill and Helen Norrie Library, on the former site of the Métis community of Rooster Town, this event will include a spotlight on Rooster Town history with guest speakers as well as a roundtable and guided discussion of the Reconciliation Framework. It is open to all members of the Manitoba archival community and interested individuals. People working with archives and responsible for managing archival collections are encouraged to attend.

    All participants are asked to read the Reconciliation Framework in advance.

    The Reconciliation Framework is available here:


    Register here:


    University of Winnipeg Pride Events

    The University of Winnipeg Archives, Alumni Affairs, and Pride Committee are proud to present the 30th anniversary screening of the National Film Board-produced documentary OUT: Stories of Lesbian and Gay Youth.

    Join us in the lobby of Eckhardt Gramatté Hall on Wednesday, May 31st at 11:30 a.m. for a light lunch and refreshments courtesy of Alumni Affairs and Diversity Catering, view the Two-Spirit Archives pop-up exhibition, and visit the Pride merch booth! After the 12:30 p.m.. screening, please stay for a panel discussion with film participants Elder Albert McLeod and Connie Merasty, moderated by Adrienne Huard.

    Register here: https://www.uwinnipeg.ca/machform/view.php?id=509865

    News about our Members

    Health Science Centre Winnipeg Archives

    HSC Winnipeg is celebrating 150 years of providing healthcare to all Manitobans. 150 years ago, the Winnipeg General Hospital was established as the first public hospital in the province. 50 years ago, Health Sciences Centre Winnipeg (HSC) was created through the amalgamation of Winnipeg General Hospital, the Manitoba Rehabilitation Hospital-D.A. Stewart Centre, and The Children's Hospital of Winnipeg. Since then, HSC has become Manitoba’s largest health-care facility, evolving into a referral, teaching, and research institution providing specialized care to adults and children from across our province.

    Recognizing that challenges to accessing this specialized care include Manitoba's relatively small population spread over the vast geography of our province and historic and systemic disparities for our Indigenous peoples, a vibrant and diverse hospital workforce continue to address these challenges by embracing Telehealth and other technologies to serve remote locations; through public health and social work outreach; by implementing education and hiring programs to ensure a diverse and inclusive work force; and through developing and supporting culturally safe environments, practices, and services together with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people.

    The hospital was and continues to be a leader in compassionate health care and innovation, with significant contributions to health-care services, education, and research in Manitoba and beyond our borders. Thursday May 4, 2023, the Esplanade Riel Bridge and WINNIPEG sign at The Forks was lit green in recognition of these anniversaries. Enjoy a photo gallery, memory wall, and brief histories of the founding institutions at https://hsc.mb.ca/about/50-150anniversary/ and watch the HSC Archives social media channels for more items of interest.

    Photo of the display created by the HSC Archives and Museum on display at 700 William Ave Mall

    One Great History Podcast

    With Winnipeg’s sesquicentennial approaching, Sabrina Janke and Alex Judge, hosts of the One Great History podcast, have produced a 16-episode series that explores the city’s colourful history. For more information, please visit the One Great History website: https://onegreathistory.wordpress.com/one-great-150-coming-soon/

    University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections Royal Tour 1939

    For some royalty viewing closer to home, check out the University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections video of the royal tour of Winnipeg in 1939 by King George VI. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqqC5rLRtew&ab_channel=UniversityofManitobaArchives%26SpecialCollections

    Call for Volunteers

    We are always looking for members to join our committees. Volunteering with the AMA is an excellent way to network with archivists, build skills, and shape the future of archives in Manitoba. If you are interested, please contact the Chair, or a committee chair, at one of the email addresses listed on this page https://mbarchives.ca/contact

    News for the newsletter?

    Does your archive have a new grant or a new hire? Or do you have a collection you want to promote? Send your news to ama1@mts.net and we will include it in an upcoming newsletter.

  • 26 Apr 2023 3:28 PM | Digital Initiatives, AMA (Administrator)

    A digital version of this newsletter can be found here.

    Call for New Board Member 

    Special Initiatives Member-at-Large: We are seeking a Member-at-Large to assist in organizing the Manitoba Day event. This can be a shared position. 

    Committee Reports 

    Digital Initiatives: DI will provide technical support in setting up and running the Email Archiving at the University of British Columbia session on April 27th. The committee members continue to assist members with membership renewals and other website matters. 

    Education and Advisory Services: Please visit our training opportunities page on the AMA website. Email ama1@mts.net with any additional suggestions for training. 

    Finance and Grants: Have you renewed your membership? About 13% of the AMA income is derived from memberships. 

    Indigenous Relations: We are working on an in-person discussion group on the Reconciliation Framework. Registration info will be available soon on our website.  

    Information and Outreach: Unfortunately, our Trivia Night is postponed. Stay tuned for more info. 

    Membership Committee: Don’t forget that memberships are due! 

    Student Member-at-Large: I’m co-hosting the Email Archiving workshop – hope to see you there! 

    Learning Resources 

    The Reconciliation Framework 

    In 2022, the Steering Committee on Canada’s Archives released the Reconciliation Framework: The Response to the Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Taskforce. Created in response to Call to Action 70 issued by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, the Reconciliation Framework is the result of an extensive study of archival policies and practices, the role of archives in colonization, and steps for building respectful relationships with Indigenous communities. The Reconciliation Framework outlines recommendations for action and is essential reading for all people working in archives today. 

    Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-reconciliation-framework-discussion-meeting-tickets-622517094387

    The Reconciliation Framework is available here: 


    Found in Collection: Navigating the Challenges of Undocumented Items in Archives 

    This webinar “tackles the often-challenging question of what to do with items in your collection that lack proper documentation.” If you missed the April 25 webinar, it is posted on YouTube at 


    Upcoming Events 

    Email Archiving at the University of British Columbia: What We’ve Learned  

    This presentation will go over the work of the UBC Email Archiving Working Group over the past year. 

    Online: Thursday, April 27 2:00 – 3:15 CST 

    Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/email-archiving-at-the-university-of-british-columbia-what-weve-learned-tickets-615162536707  

    Reclaiming Power: Red Dress Day – May 5 

    Hosted by GIGANAWENIMAANAANIG: The MMIWG2S+ Implementation committee in honour of National MMIWG2S Awareness Day in Winnipeg. 

    Red Dress Round Dance, noon, Portage and Main.  

    Memorial March, 12:30, Portage and Main to The Forks 

    Decolonizing Lens: Film Night at the WAG 

    Free public screenings of three films by Alanis Obomsawin: “Bill Reid Remembers”, “Honour to Senator Murray Sinclair”, and “Upstairs with David Amaram”. After the screenings, a discussion with special guests, Alanis Obomsawin and Sonya Ballantyne. 

    Doors open at 6:15 with screenings beginning at 7 pm. Or, watch online. 

    No registration required. For more information, please see https://www.wag.ca/event/decolonizing-lens/?fbclid=IwAR3WlY0u6aY6fl4gJxXY1JEMex44KkyBRpwpGHF1thZQJRvmiEhm0hkGJHA#.ZDnDcLhIqAQ.facebook#.ZDnDcLhIqAQ.facebook 

    Meet Me at The Bell Tower - Building Community 

    Meets the 1st and 3rd Friday evening of each month, starting at 6 pm, at the Bell tower at the corner of Selkirk Avenue and Powers Street. 

    See the Facebook page for more info: https://www.facebook.com/belltowermovement/

    NCTR Dialogue: Research and Access to Residential School Files 

    Hosted online by the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation on April 28th, 12:00 pm, NCTR's Jesse Boiteau and Shingwauk Residential School Centre's Jenna Lemay “share the latest information on records, share tips, and answer some of your questions.” 

    See the NCTR YouTube page for more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8LDyYe8vys&ab_channel=NationalCentreforTruthandReconciliation

    Call for Volunteers 

    We are always looking for members to join our committees. Volunteering with the AMA is an excellent way to network with archivists, build skills, and shape the future of archives in Manitoba. If you are interested, please contact the Chair, or a committee chair, at one of the email addresses listed on this page https://mbarchives.ca/contact

    News for the newsletter?  

    Does your archive have a new grant or a new hire? Or do you have a collection you want to promote? Send your news to ama1@mts.net and we will include it in an upcoming newsletter. 

  • 30 Mar 2023 4:14 PM | Digital Initiatives, AMA (Administrator)

    A digital version of this newsletter can be found here.

    Introducing our Board

    Chair: Andrew Morrison

    Vice-Chair: Heather Bidzinski

    Finance and Grants: Katrin Nielsdottir

    Secretary: Jackson Anderson

    Digital Initiatives: Jackson Anderson and Katie Lynch

    Education: Al Thorleifson

    Indigenous Relations: Carmen Miedema and Mary Horodyski

    Information and Outreach: Corser du Pont

    Membership: Carmen Miedema and Heather Bidzinski

    Student Member-at-large: Blake Mueller

    Call for New Board Member

    Special Initiatives Member-at-Large: We are seeking a Member-at-Large to assist in organizing the Manitoba Day event. This can be a shared position.

    Committee Reports

    Digital Initiatives: The DI Team ran a workshop on Manitoba Archival Information Network (MAIN) for the University of Manitoba Archival Studies Class. We continue to assist members with renewing or starting membership online. See Renewing and Starting Membership in this newsletter.

    Education and Advisory Services: The Committee has organized an Archiving Email Workshop. See Upcoming Events for more information.

    Finance and Grants: No report this month.

    Indigenous Relations: We appreciate the participants who came to our first "Archivists' Outing" at the WAG on March 18. Special thanks to AMA member Nicole Fletcher for her insightful tour of the Robert Houle "Red is Beautiful" exhibit and for giving us a behind-the-scenes look at the archives and vault. We had some thoughtful consideration of how archives can support decolonization and the important role of provenance in these efforts. We look forward to our next outing!

    Information and Outreach: The I&O Committee met on March 8th. The Committee has provisionally scheduled the AMA Trivia Night for Wednesday, April 26th. The AMA currently has 259 followers on Twitter and 170 on Instagram. Please send any Advisory Services requests you may have to advocacy@mbarchives.ca.

    Membership Committee: No report this month.

    Student Member-at-Large: No report this month.

    Renewing and Starting Membership online

    A reminder that membership renewals are due on April 1, 2023. Please follow the instructions below to renew online. Please contact the AMA at ama1@mts.net or Digital Initiatives at webmaster@mbarchives.ca if you have any difficulties.

    Membership renewals can be completed by logging into the website clicking on "View profile" in the top right-hand corner of the page. In your profile, click on the "Renew to [date]" button. Update your information in the fields that appear as needed and click the "Update and next" button. Review your information and click the "Pay online button" to finalize your renewal in PayPal.

    Upcoming Events

    Email Archiving at the University of British Columbia: What We’ve Learned – Thursday - April 27th, 2:00 pm

    Hosted by Andy Resto and Barbara Towell, this presentation will go over the work of the UBC Email Archiving Working Group over the past year. First we will discuss what we learned from conducting research through an environmental scan and a literature review, followed by an outline of our email archiving goals. This will include a discussion of our proposed workflows, email management tools, and policy development. Throughout we will discuss challenges that we have faced, and will end the session with an open Q&A.

    News from our Members

    Conservation Treatment of the First Winnipeg City Council Minutes, 1874-1875

    The following comes from Sarah Ramsden of the City of Winnipeg Archives

    With financial assistance from the Heritage Grants Program (Province of Manitoba), the City of Winnipeg Archives worked with Conservator Jane Dalley to treat the first Winnipeg City Council Minutes. This project involved treating the City’s first Minute Book, its index, as well as the rough minutes of the first Council meeting that were recorded and stored separately. All of these records showed various signs of deterioration, were extremely fragile, and could not be handled without risking further damage. Because of their fragility, staff restricted access to these records years ago, offering researchers microfilm copies as an alternative. However, without being able to read the rough minutes of the first Council meeting, which were in pieces, their precise contents remained a mystery.

    During treatment, the records were cleaned, stabilized, and agents of deterioration were removed. The results were astounding. In addition to extending their life, the treatment has increased the artefactual value of these records, restored them to a condition where they can be handled safely by staff, and recovered missing information. It is exciting to say that, in advance of Winnipeg’s 150th anniversary in 2024, staff can remove the access restrictions to the first City Council Minutes. To aid in their preservation, however, staff will continue to reduce the amount of handling, encouraging users to use digitized copies and transcriptions of the first Council Minute Book available online.

    Read more about the project on the AMA’s blog here.

    Updates on City of Winnipeg Archives

    The City of Winnipeg has approved funding to renovate the City of Winnipeg Archives’ previous home at Carnegie Library. For more information, read the articles and announcements below.





    Job Opportunity!

    The University of Winnipeg Archives is hiring an Archives Assistant for the Indigenous Course Requirement Collection. Click the link below to apply!


    Shelley Sweeny awarded Platinum Jubilee Medal

    Text from Winnipeg Free Press and the Government of Manitoba

    Shelley Sweeney has been awarded a Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee medal. The criteria for the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal (Manitoba) is broad. Recipients can be of all ages and from all walks of life, provided that they have made a contribution to society. Nominator Dr. Jon Gerrard (MLA River Heights) said “Shelley Sweeney, champion in the preservation of Manitoba’s history, was chosen for her contribution to the promotion of Manitoba’s cultural fabric and diversity by expanding the acquisition of private archives at the University of Manitoba Archives and through her work in preserving records related to reconciliation.”

    Above: Dr. Shelley Sweeney receives Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee medal at the Manitoba legislative building in Winnipeg, December 19, 2022. Photographer: Richard Condie.

    UMASC Documentary 

    Last year the University of Manitoba Archives and Special Collections produced a short documentary about A.H. Reginal Buller's role in the history of the University of Manitoba.  This film was based on the exhibition "’He was the Very Model of a Modern Research Scientist:’ Reginald Buller and the Founding of the University of Manitoba". Click here to watch the full documentary.

    Archival Webinars

    Backlog Webinars

    Antiracism & Decolonization in Archives & Records Management Series

    NCTR Dialogue: Land Back

    Call for Volunteers

    We are always looking for members to join our committees. Volunteering with the AMA is an excellent way to network with archivists, build skills, and shape the future of archives in Manitoba. If you are interested, please contact the Chair, or a committee chair, at one of the email addresses listed on this page https://mbarchives.ca/contact 

    News for the newsletter?

    Does your archive have a new grant or a new hire? Or do you have a collection you want to promote? Send your news to ama1@mts.net and we will include it in an upcoming newsletter.

  • 29 Mar 2023 7:50 PM | Digital Initiatives, AMA (Administrator)

    The following comes from Sarah Ramsden of the City of Winnipeg Archives

    With financial assistance from the Heritage Grants Program (Province of Manitoba), the City of Winnipeg Archives worked with Conservator Jane Dalley to treat the first Winnipeg City Council Minutes. This project involved treating the City’s first Minute Book, its index, as well as the rough minutes of the first Council meeting that were recorded and stored separately.

    All of these records showed various signs of deterioration, were extremely fragile, and could not be handled without risking further damage. More specifically, the book bindings were damaged; the leather binding on the Minute Book had red rot; there were loose pages, and the rough minutes of the first Council meeting were crumbling. Because of their fragility, staff restricted access to these records years ago, offering researchers microfilm copies as an alternative. However, without being able to read the rough minutes of the first Council meeting, which were in pieces, their precise contents remained a mystery.

    During treatment, the records were cleaned, stabilized, and agents of deterioration were removed. The work involved repairing the bindings and tears, targeting the red rot, dry-cleaning pages, reinforcing the most damaged pages and sections with Japanese tissue, and re-assembling loose fragments of paper using a light table.

    The results were astounding. In addition to extending their life, the treatment has increased the artefactual value of these records, restored them to a condition where they can be handled safely by staff, and recovered missing information. Once reassembled, we learned the “rough minutes” of the first Council meeting were original copies of resolutions tabled at the meeting, as opposed to a complete set of minutes. Thankfully, the minutes of the first Council meeting are recorded elsewhere.

    It is exciting to say that, in advance of Winnipeg’s 150th anniversary in 2024, staff can remove the access restrictions to the first City Council Minutes. To aid in their preservation, however, staff will continue to reduce the amount of handling, encouraging users to use digitized copies and transcriptions of the first Council Minute Book, which are currently available on our website Winnipeg in Focus – see: https://winnipeginfocus.winnipeg.ca/i04042

    The City of Winnipeg Archives gratefully acknowledges:

    • Jane Dalley, Director of Jane Dalley Heritage Consulting, for all conservation work
    • Province of Manitoba for its financial support of the project

    Submitted by Sarah Ramsden, Archivist, City of Winnipeg Archives, with contributions from Jane Dalley

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